Saturday, April 23, 2011


Sorry, everything's been soooo busy! I went to New York City, which was totally epic. Phantom Of The Opera is a gorgeous play... I actually cried at the end. And our performance was the best the band has ever played, right when we needed it to be! We got a silver. Yaaaay!

The cats. Oh my. So, Jack was drooling everywhere, so we took him to a vet. Turns out his teeth were rotten and had to be removed, and he was drooling because two of his canines were hitting each other and he couldn't close his mouth. He now only has three teeth left. Poor kitty.

Even worse, the other kitties are hissing at him. Why? Because he smells funny. He smells like the medication he's taking, so they may not even realize he's the same cat. The poor guy, though... Getting shunned by his family after an already traumatic experience is no fun at all!

I'm going to be uploading to my Youtube channel very soon... You know those vlogs some people do where they rant about different things they hate? Well, I'm going to do a parody vlog talking about all the things I love. Depending on how it goes, it may become a recurring theme.

That's all for right now, I guess. A cheerful shout-out to all my friends in Anime Boston! Have a splendid time! <3

-- Story

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