Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Back again!

It's been a while since I've been able to get some real time into posting here. I don't feel like debriefing you on why I've been gone or what's gone on in the past while... so I'll just explain my day today!

First period (English), not much happened, but we started watching Pinocchio in second period (Italian). That movie is so freaking ridiculous. The one with Roberto Benigni, not the cartoon. It's so far-fetched and makes very little sense, but I guess that just kinda makes it funnier!
Third period (band) was pretty hilarious. He handed out a piece we've never seen before called "Chanteys". Everyone was immediately opposed. It was fast-paced, confusing, and generally difficult. At first trombone players whined about their parts, but then they caught a glimpse of what we, the flutists, were playing, and they were shocked by how difficult it looked. It was insane. We'd never played anything that hard. After messing it up completely in the sightread, he just let us keep practicing "The Incredibles" for the rest of the period.
During lunch, Rose was able to come by. She had graduated, so she wasn't there anymore most of the time, but she decided to hang out just for the lunch period. It was, in fact, a fabulous time with much fun.
I had a math test fourth period, but I think I did pretty well. In gym, we went outside and played "frisbee golf"... Basically, throwing a frisbee into hula-hoops. That was fun, but the other students were pretty annoying about it, and it was poorly organized, just like everything else our gym teacher assigns.
Sixth period (biology) we dissected earthworms. I wound up doing most (read: all) of the cutting, while Alice pinned the skin to the wax tablet and Samantha drew diagrams. We had a good time, but the smell was absolutely horrible. It smelled kind of like pickles... but in a bad way. Why yes, that explanation DOES suck, thank you for asking.
Judah's coming back tomorrow! I know that means nothing to you guys, but basically, he's one of my mom's boyfriends and he's awesome. I am very excited to see him.

So that's about it! See you guys in about a week! <3

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Sorry, everything's been soooo busy! I went to New York City, which was totally epic. Phantom Of The Opera is a gorgeous play... I actually cried at the end. And our performance was the best the band has ever played, right when we needed it to be! We got a silver. Yaaaay!

The cats. Oh my. So, Jack was drooling everywhere, so we took him to a vet. Turns out his teeth were rotten and had to be removed, and he was drooling because two of his canines were hitting each other and he couldn't close his mouth. He now only has three teeth left. Poor kitty.

Even worse, the other kitties are hissing at him. Why? Because he smells funny. He smells like the medication he's taking, so they may not even realize he's the same cat. The poor guy, though... Getting shunned by his family after an already traumatic experience is no fun at all!

I'm going to be uploading to my Youtube channel very soon... You know those vlogs some people do where they rant about different things they hate? Well, I'm going to do a parody vlog talking about all the things I love. Depending on how it goes, it may become a recurring theme.

That's all for right now, I guess. A cheerful shout-out to all my friends in Anime Boston! Have a splendid time! <3

-- Story

Saturday, April 2, 2011


I cannot stop coughing! I lost my voice on Thursday and had to go home, then missed school Friday because my throat was still sore. Today, it's STILL pretty damn bad. I keep coughing, which is really hurting my throat, and I can barely speak. I hate being cooped up in the house like this, but I don't exactly have any other choice.

My days have basically consisted of reading webcomics, surfing the internet, and going on Omegle during school hours, and then role-playing and chatting with Alice when she comes home. Maybe watching some Youtube videos in-between.

Hopefully it'll be all cleared up by Monday. I missed two quizzes, band practice, and an assembly for this cough!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

WOW I really let this slip by.

Okay so, I'm back to blogging! I'm sure you're all happy. Yes, all two of you that actually READ my blog.

So much stuff has happened lately. I finally wrote a song! It's only A Capella for right now, but hey, I can add some instrumental. Either way, I've got lyrics and a melody, so I figure I'm doing pretty well.

Let's see, what else... Got new glasses yesterday since my prescription was failing. Dramatic improvement, so it's all good now.

I'm gonna do an awesome project for Italian this week! The assignment is to translate a recipe for an Italian dish into the Italian language, and we get extra credit if we cook the dish and bring it into class Friday. Of course, I am taking full advantage of this opportunity. It's been forever since I've cooked something other than canned food and ramen.

BAND DRAMA! In Watertown, they're trying to boot out instrumental music from the elementary school. You'd think something like this would pull the high school band together, right? A common enemy? Turns out, it doesn't work like that here. Now we're more split then ever. A couple kids want to help, a couple kids just let the stress get to them, a couple people don't care, and a couple people are just fighting amongst themselves. Two kids actually had to leave the room. The boy asked the teacher a question that had already been answered, the girl told him to shut up because she didn't want him to waste time as he usually does (and she usually yells at him for it then, too). The difference was that this time, the boy snapped loudly, "I was talking to the fucking teacher." Yep. Band drama. At least I get to be on the sidelines instead of being the person people are yelling at.

So that's about it for right now! Ciao~

-- Story

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Computer fixed!

My computer is now fixed. All I had to do was update it to Mac 10.6 instead of 10.5. So I now have my computer back, fully functional. Thank goodness.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


So, I don't know if I mentioned... My computer is completely down. It won't connect to the Internet, not even through an ethernet cord. It went through about a week of sometimes connecting, to pretending to connect, to not even pretending anymore. I'm currently typing this from my mom's Netbook, hoping for my computer to get better.

Today, the same thing started happening to my mom. The difference is that she wasn't as quiet about it. She announces it every time she can't get through, is passive-aggressive about the issue to my stepdad, and she often says "I have ACTUAL WORK to get done," as if my homework issues and trouble communicating with close friends wasn't even important, ESPECIALLY compared to her dramatic distress. Hopefully, when my dad lends me the Macbook Pro from his office while my computer is fixed, I can return the Netbook to my mom and she can stop complaining about this. It's really draining my once good mood.

I know she's not TRYING to belittle my own computer issues, but it's pretty stressful on me to hear her complaining about it every single minute that it continues to be a problem. It's going to KEEP making you lose your connection, Mom, and my dad KNOWS that already... You do not have to tell him each and every time. Not to mention the CONTINUOUS passive-aggressive tone.
"I just talked to Comcast, they say their troubleshooting specialist will be with you on Monday or Tuesday."
"So, in other words, they don't do their jobs."
Which is, by the way, how she responds to EVERY PROBLEM.

Another fun example.
"My concern is that you and Elayna run the same Mac OS. If there's a bug in this OS..."
"Well, YOU'RE the one who has Google right now." *faked sarcastic smile*

I have to listen to this whenever there is ANY problem in her life. It's more discreet when it's a problem of someone being morally wrong, in which case it just sounds like she's being snappy at them for actually being wrong. But in this case, it's a problem that Adam is TRYING to solve and has absolutely no control over, and it's like she expects him to be a magical computer-wizard that saves her from all her problems.

Which is another huge reason for me to hope this is fixed soon: So I don't have to listen to her announce "Turning Airport OFF... and now back ON..." every. Single. Time. Her network disconnects.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


As some of you guys know, this isn't the only place I blog. I also have a vlog, on! My channel is called "LmeyaGoddess" (capitalized for your spelling benefits). Anyway, I haven't updated that channel in a long time. At least a year, I believe.

So I'll be going back to it! The next chance I get, I'm going to record a new video and post it to Youtube. It may take me a while, seeing as I don't have much access to my usual computer (it's kinda broken, and I'm using my mom's Netbook right now). But I'll certainly try!

Check it out when you can. That's probably where I'll post that Neptune video I promised a long time ago.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Parent Code - A New Concept

Hiya~ So, I got an idea: Someone should really make a set of rules that parents should follow, that help people really spell out the idea of improper parenting... Because sometimes, the unspoken rules just aren't good enough. I plan to write this out, post it here, and hopefully even get it published here. If any of you have any ideas, please make suggestions in the comments! Thanks!

-- Story