Tuesday, March 22, 2011

WOW I really let this slip by.

Okay so, I'm back to blogging! I'm sure you're all happy. Yes, all two of you that actually READ my blog.

So much stuff has happened lately. I finally wrote a song! It's only A Capella for right now, but hey, I can add some instrumental. Either way, I've got lyrics and a melody, so I figure I'm doing pretty well.

Let's see, what else... Got new glasses yesterday since my prescription was failing. Dramatic improvement, so it's all good now.

I'm gonna do an awesome project for Italian this week! The assignment is to translate a recipe for an Italian dish into the Italian language, and we get extra credit if we cook the dish and bring it into class Friday. Of course, I am taking full advantage of this opportunity. It's been forever since I've cooked something other than canned food and ramen.

BAND DRAMA! In Watertown, they're trying to boot out instrumental music from the elementary school. You'd think something like this would pull the high school band together, right? A common enemy? Turns out, it doesn't work like that here. Now we're more split then ever. A couple kids want to help, a couple kids just let the stress get to them, a couple people don't care, and a couple people are just fighting amongst themselves. Two kids actually had to leave the room. The boy asked the teacher a question that had already been answered, the girl told him to shut up because she didn't want him to waste time as he usually does (and she usually yells at him for it then, too). The difference was that this time, the boy snapped loudly, "I was talking to the fucking teacher." Yep. Band drama. At least I get to be on the sidelines instead of being the person people are yelling at.

So that's about it for right now! Ciao~

-- Story